Insulation in Summer – Why It Matters

Thermometer with people taking a dip in the background

If you see sky-high summer energy costs, we have a lesson for you about home insulation. Insulation isn’t something to think about only during the winter. Your home uses energy year round, whether you’re heating or cooling.  Energy loss can occur just as easily during the summer when you’re running your air conditioning system as in winter when you’re heating your home.

To keep energy inside your home, your home’s thermal envelope needs to be conditioned. This is done by ensuring your home’s wall and attic insulation is at the proper R-value, and by sealing air leaks. Air leaks carry heated or cooled air away from your targeted area. An air leak as small as your thumb can allow an enormous amount of conditioned air to escape. Sealing air leaks prevents conditioned inside air from escaping and hot, humid outside air from entering.

How do you know if your home needs an energy upgrade?

  • The age of your home can be a factor. Homes built before the mid-1950s had little or no insulation.
  • Pay attention to how often your air conditioning system runs. If the system has been checked and is working properly, your home can benefit from air sealing and upgraded insulation.
  • If your home has hot or cold spots, air may be leaking in from the outside. Air sealing can help.

For a more comprehensive analysis, consider a home energy audit. A home energy audit is like getting a physical for your home. An auditor checks your entire home for energy loss – everything from insulation to duct work and your HVAC system, water heater and more.

Schedule a free estimate with our experienced insulation team to review your home for energy improvements. Contact our office today with questions or to schedule an estimate.